Letter to the editor

Decreased vaccination coverage and recurrence risk of measles due to COVID-19 pandemic

Afrooz Mazidimoradi1, Hamid Salehiniya2[*]

1Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

2Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Birjand, Iran

EXCLI J 2021;20:Doc1367


Dear Editor,

World Health Organization (WHO) officially announced the COVID-19 pandemic in December in 2019 (Li et al., 2020[6]) which imposed additional burden on the public health system, therefore, epidemiological control of other infectious diseases has declined (Çavdaroğlu et al., 2021[2]; Phadke et al., 2021[8]).

On the other hand, outbreak of COVID-19 and constant advice to staying at home, fear of infection (Bode et al., 2021[1]), and suspension of childhood immunization programs, cause increased trend in other infectious diseases including measles (Rana et al., 2021[9]). Measles virus is a contagious disease that can be transmitted through direct contact through respiratory secretions, droplets or airborne transmission (Isa et al., 2012[5]).

During the pre-vaccination period, measles was endemic to the human population with every 2 to 3 years epidemics (Isa et al., 2012[5]). Most of the children got short-term illness; while some children with severe complications undergone permanent consequences such as blindness, deafness, mental disability or death (Vassantachart et al., 2020[11]). Nowadays, it is one of the most preventable diseases through vaccine injection and receiving one dose of measles vaccine that is given at 12 and 15 months, approximately has 93 % and 97 % efficacy respectively (Perrone and Meissner, 2020[7]).

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and by the end of 2019, 85 % of children aged 12-23 months worldwide had received the measles vaccine (World Bank, 2021[14]), but since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, coverage has declined, and by 2020, nearly 120 million children in 37 countries had not received the measles vaccine (UNICEF, 2020[10]), many of whom live in Pakistan (Rana et al., 2021[9]).

In the United States from March 2017 to March 2020, the rate of 16-months-old children who received the MMR vaccine decreased from 72 % in March 2017 to 66.8 % in April to May 2020 (P <0.001) and then to 62.4 % (P = 0.02) from June to August 2020 (Bode et al., 2021[1]); while in order to achieve herd immunity to prevent the spread of measles, 93 to 95 % of the population should be vaccinated (Griffith et al., 2020[4]).

According to global statistics, the incidence rate of measles is increasing (Figure 1(Fig. 1)) (WHO, 2021[13]). Given the consequences of coronavirus, there is a concern that, despite the availability of a safe and effective vaccine, measles will again become a global challenge in young children and the plans to eradicate the disease will be disrupted.

As demonstrated in WHO statistics (Figure 1(Fig. 1)) (WHO, 2017[12]), after the subsidence of the measles outbreaks in 2018 and 2019, again from the beginning of 2021, the world is witnessing an increasing trend in the incidence of measles, mainly in poor populations, which can be the result of reducing vaccination coverage due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Therefore, to prevent a new and deadly challenge among children, especially among poor countries that are major victims of COVID-19 (Durrheim et al., 2021[3]), the following measures are recommended:

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.



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3. Durrheim DN, Andrus JK, Tabassum S, Bashour H, Githanga D, Pfaff G. A dangerous measles future looms beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Nat Med. 2021;27:360-1.
4. Griffith BC, Ulrich AK, Becker AB, Nederhoff D, Koch B, Awan FA, et al. Does education about local vaccination rates and the importance of herd immunity change US parents' concern about measles? Vaccine. 2020;38:8040-8.
5. Isa A, Baba A, Sheriff S, Isa M, Modu A. Statistical analysis of measles incidence in Borno State, Nigeria. Int J Res Adv Microbiol. 2012;4(1):71-4.
6. Li Q, Guan X, Wu P, Wang X, Zhou L, Tong Y, et al. Early transmission dynamics in Wuhan, China, of novel coronavirus–infected pneumonia. N Engl J Med. 2020;382:1199-207.
7. Perrone O, Meissner HC. The importance of MMR immunization in the United States. Pediatrics. 2020;146(2):e20200251.
8. Phadke R, Mohan A, Çavdaroğlu S, Dapke K, Costa A, Riaz MMA, et al. Dengue amidst COVID-19 in India: The mystery of plummeting cases. J Med Virol. 2021;93:4120-1.
9. Rana MS, Alam MM, Ikram A, Salman M, Mere MO, Usman M, et al. Emergence of measles during the COVID-19 pandemic threatens Pakistan's children and the wider region. Nat Med. 2021;27:1127-8.
10. UNICEF. More than 117 million children at risk of missing out on measles vaccines, as COVID-19 surges. Statement by the Measles & Rubella Initiative: American Red Cross, U.S. CDC, UNICEF, UN Foundation and WHO. Press release, 13 April 2020. https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/more-117-million-children-risk-missing-out-measles-vaccines-covid-19-surges [accessed 20 July 2021].
11. Vassantachart JM, Yeo AH, Vassantachart AY, Jacob SE, Golkar L. Art of prevention: The importance of measles recognition and vaccination. Int J Women's Dermatol. 2020;6:89-93.
12. WHO. JRF Supplementary Questionnaire on Surveillance. Geneva: WHO, 2017. (last updated March 19, 2018). https://www.who.int/teams/immunization-vaccines-and-biologicals/immunization-analysis-and-insights/surveillance/surveillance-for-vpds. [accessed 20 July 2021].
13. WHO. Measles - number of reported cases. https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/indicators/indicator-details/GHO/measles---number-of-reported-cases. Global_MR_Update_June_2021. [accessed 20 July 2021].
14. World Bank. Immunization, measles (% of children ages 12-23 months). Retrieved from https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.IMM.MEAS. [accessed 20 July 2021].

Figure 1: Number of reported measles cases by WHO regions


[*] Corresponding Author:

Hamid Salehiniya, Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Birjand, Iran, eMail: alesaleh70@yahoo.com